
HB 261和HB 257常见问题



犹他州立法机构最近通过了两项对高等教育产生重大影响的法案: HB 261平等机会倡议HB 257基于性别的隐私、反欺凌和妇女机会名称.

盐湖城社区学院深深致力于欧洲杯买球app的学生,教师和工作人员. 欧洲杯买球app努力成为一个所有人都受到欢迎和尊重的地方. While there are many unknowns about the ultimate effect these bills will have on some student 和工作人员 support 项目, be assured that 网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐 will maintain an environment where all can find success 和 feel a sense of belonging.

在接下来的几个月, college leadership will work to gain clarity 和 determine the changes necessary for legislative compliance. 欧洲杯买球app也将分享这些信息,因为它是可用的.

欧洲杯买球app意识到,在这段时间里,欧洲杯买球app大学社区的一些人可能会感到不安和压力. 欧洲杯买球app鼓励你利用现有的网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐资源来支持你的幸福.

Dr. Deneece G. 总裁Huftalin


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常见问题- hb261

在2024年立法会议期间,犹他州立法者通过了 HB 261,“平等机会倡议” prohibiting state higher education institutions from relying on certain individual characteristics when making decisions about employment or education.

州长斯宾塞·考克斯于1月6日签署了这项法律. 30, 取消所有州立学院和大学致力于公平的中心办公室, 多样性, 和包容. 它还禁止政策, 程序, 实践, 项目, 或者被称为多样性的倡议, 股本, 以及包容性,并要求专门的资源中心为所有学生服务. The law also prohibits the use of 多样性 statements or commitments in hiring 和 admission processes.

学院的优势之一是网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐的多元化学生群体. 欧洲杯买球app深深致力于欧洲杯买球app的学生, 教师, 和工作人员, 欧洲杯买球app将继续成为一个尊重和重视所有人的地方. While the legislation requires the College to change some 项目 和 make certain support resources available to all students, 请放心, 永远都是, 每个人在网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐都有一席之地.

HB 261以多样性的标题直接针对高等教育办公室, 股本, 和包容. This office at 网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐 is known as the Office for 制度公平、包容与转型. 该部门的敬业员工将继续在网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐工作, 而且不会裁掉任何职位, 但他们的工作可能会发生变化,以更直接地支持学生的成功. 为了遵守新法律,报告结构和工作职责也可能发生变化.


是的. 犹他州立法者制定了以下例外情况:

  • 认证要求
  • 课堂教学:与教师的研究领域有关的课堂教学
  • 与教员的研究领域有关的研究
  • Federally funded grants approved by 网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐’s Board of Trustees or the Utah System of Higher Education, 包括那些需要一定多样性期望的工作, 比如西班牙裔服务机构(HSI)的身份
  • 私人捐赠奖学金

学生资源和团体,如性别和性学生资源中心, 黑人学生会, 梦想中心, 其他学校将继续为所有学生服务. 然而, there may be adjustments to the Office of Diversity 和 Multicultural Affairs (ODMA) 和 to student government positions in order to comply with HB 261. The College is engaging in discussions with 网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐SA 和 Student Affairs to determine the impact of the legislation.

网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐的印第安人学费减免计划不会受到HB 261的影响, 因为资格是基于联邦承认的部落的成员资格. Identity-based employee groups will also continue to be available as long as everyone is welcome.


No. 所有相关的联邦和州法律和政策仍然适用于网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐. 基于种族歧视或骚扰某人仍然是非法的, color, 国家的起源, 性, 残疾, 或宗教. All incidents of discrimination 和 harassment should be h和led as they have been in the past 和 referred to either 网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐’s dean of students or 第九条 office.

课堂教学和研究不受该法案的影响, 它并没有规定教师如何在他们的专业领域内授课.

网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐 is an equal opportunity employer 和 does not discriminate or tolerate discrimination based on a person’s identity. 学院在招聘过程中也不使用多样性声明. 欧洲杯买球app将继续广泛撒网,以吸引最优秀的候选人. This wide net will also support our efforts in recruiting 教师 和工作人员 from underrepresented communities.

作为犹他州最多元化的公立高等教育机构, 网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐将继续扩大招生范围,招收尽可能多的学生. Student recruiting processes 和 项目 currently employed by the College are not expected to change.

是的. HB 261免除了这些类别的研究和课堂教学, 和 教师 have the academic freedom to research or teach these concepts if they are related to their area of classroom expertise.

The provisions in HB 261 only apply when 员工 are acting in their capacity at 网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐 or when representing the College. HB 261并没有禁止你, 作为一个普通公民, 从参与社区或政治对话. All 教师 和工作人员 can engage in social justice activities outside the classroom; however, 注意将你在学院的职位角色与你的个人主张区分开来. 倡导必须在你自己的时间进行,不能涉及使用学校的资源, 例如电子邮件或网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐社交媒体渠道. 也, 要小心避免出现隐含的机构宣传, 比如在参加公益活动时穿着slcc品牌的服装.


常见问题- hb257

在2024年立法会议期间,犹他州立法者通过了HB 257,基于性别的隐私、反欺凌和妇女机会名称."该法律限制跨性别者在公共建筑中使用“更衣室”, 包括盐湖城社区大学的校园. 州长考克斯于1月30日签署了这项法律, 2024, 但该法案的执行条款要到5月1日才会生效, 2024. 在此日期之后, College leadership will continue to monitor the law's implementation 和 will provide updates to students, 教师, 和必要的员工.

A changing room is defined as a space reserved for multiple individuals to dress or undress in the same space. 例如更衣室、试衣间、更衣室和淋浴间. Restrooms are not included in this definition unless they are attached to or located within a changing room.
HB 257 allows a person to use any restroom they choose if it is not attached to or part of a changing room. 网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐不会监管或监控厕所.
The College is currently evaluating all on-campus locker rooms 和 is working to ensure private changing rooms are available where needed. 学生, 员工, 并且随时欢迎访客使用中性卫生间作为更衣室.
如上所述, HB 257 allows people to use any restroom of their choosing if it is not part of or connected to a changing room. 在洗手间的某些行为,包括猥亵行为, 窥阴癖, 和闲逛, 在HB 257成为法律之前是不允许的, 仍然被禁止.
HB 257 allows Trans people to use locker rooms or other changing rooms that do not align with their assigned 性 at birth if 他们已经接受了主要的性别特征外科手术(底部手术) 合法地改变了出生证明上的性别. Those who have not made changes to their birth certificate or have not undergone surgery may use 所有性别厕所 for changing available in various campus buildings.
HB 257允许那些帮助未成年人/受抚养儿童或受抚养成人的人, 或进行维护或清洁, 在与出生时的性别不一致的更衣室里.
Trans people who have not changed their birth certificates 和 undergone surgery to change a primary 性 characteristic could face criminal trespass charges if they violate the provisions of HB 257. 如果该个人还被发现有猥亵行为,处罚可能会加重, 窥阴癖, 或闲逛. HB 257 defines lewd behavior to include exposing genitals (which can happen as a matter of course in the process of changing), 它对闲逛的定义包括故意或故意留在更衣室里.

网上十大欧洲杯买球app推荐将尽其所能适应顺性, 变性人, 非二进制, gender-non-conforming, 以及校园里其他个人的需求. This includes providing access to personal locker rooms 和 private changing rooms outside of 性-designated locker rooms in the Lifetime Activities Center 和 other recreation spaces.
在2023年立法会议期间, Utah lawmakers adopted a new building code that allows up to 50% of bathroom fixtures in a state building to be in multi-stall, 所有性别厕所. The College is currently constructing this type of restroom in the Student Center on the Taylorsville Redwood Campus.